Centered In
the Crosshairs Hunting
the Beasts of Daniel 7 Forty years ago in the timber town of
Toledo, Oregon, the son of a sawmill owner pointed to an eight foot wall in the
gunshop where I was bluing a rifle, and said, “When you’re in the alders on Kodiak,
and a bear stands up that can look over the top of that wall, it doesn’t make
any difference what caliber you’re packing, you’ve got a rat gun in your
hands.” I didn’t then know that I would spend years on Kodiak Island, or that
I’d participate in The Most Dangerous
Catch, fishing for a few seasons out of Kodiak and Dutch Harbor, or that I
would kill a bear with a cap & ball rifle of my own construction. What I
knew was that I’d already killed far more than my share of big game animals
with rat guns, light rifles shooting
small cartridges, and I knew that once a beast was in my crosshairs, harvesting
the animal was merely a matter of pinching off the shot. Pulling the trigger, however, on the beasts
the prophet Daniel saw adds another dimension to big game hunting. The
following article will aid the beginning hunter. ______________ In the
Crosshairs: the Beasts of Daniel 7 Aiming to Kill With great seriousness and
considerable silliness, a host of prophecy pundits have sought the four beasts
the prophet Daniel saw in vision between the bindings of secular history books.
Their hunts spawned many self-congratulating tracts and pamphlets, but these
terrifying beasts remained at large for the visions of Daniel were sealed with
their shadows. But no more. These beasts have been sighted, their identities
confirmed, and their fates sealed. 1. Because many prophecy pundits have one beast succeeding another,
the destruction of the four beasts of the Prophet Daniel’s vision needs to be
seen: As I looked, thrones were placed, and the Ancient of days
took his seat; his clothing was white as snow, and the hair of his head like
pure wool; his throne was fiery flames; its wheels were burning fire. A stream
of fire issued and came out from before him; a thousand thousands served him,
and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him; the court sat in
judgment, and the books were opened. I looked then because of the sound of the great words that
the horn [from v. 8] was speaking. And as I looked, the beast [from v.
7] was killed, and its body destroyed and given over to be burned with fire. As
for the rest of the beasts [from vv. 4-6], their dominion was taken
away, but their lives were prolonged for a season and a time. I saw in the night visions, and behold, with the clouds of
heaven there came one like a son of man, and he came to the Ancient of Days and
was presented before him. And to him was given dominion and glory and a
kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve him; his
dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom
one that shall not be destroyed (Dan 7:9-14). Dominion had previously been given to the third beast (v.
6), and this beast apparently retained its dominion even though the fourth
beast "devoured, broke in pieces and stamped what was left with its
feet" (v. 7). But the court of the Ancient of Days takes the
dominion of the third beast, as well as any authority to reign over the kingdom
of the world possessed by the other three beasts, and gives all dominion to the
one like a Son of Man. While all four beasts have joint dominion when the court
begins to sit in judgment and when the books are opened, the fourth beast is
killed or dealt a deathblow and its body is given over to be burned. The first
three beasts, while losing their dominion, temporarily retain their lives; thus
the first three beasts outlive the fourth beast. Then one like a son of man
(i.e., one that appears like a human being as opposed to a lion, bear or
leopard) will receive everlasting dominion. The one like a son of man is the
revealed Son of Man, composed of Christ Jesus as the head and spiritually
circumcised disciples as the body. And the authority by which Christ reigns as
King of kings during the Millennium comes from Him receiving the collective
dominion of the four beasts. Therefore, the dominion of the four beasts equates
in narrative to the one like a son of man’s authority to rule the
kingdom of the world, this single kingdom being the collective of all worldly
kingdoms. The four beasts together had world ruling authority. It isn’t the
fourth beast that ruled the world. If it would have been, the other three
beasts would have had no dominion to lose when the court sits in judgment. Virtually without exception, neo-Arian,
Evangelical, and Sabbatarian Christians identify the fourth beast as the Roman
Empire, even though Rome is never mentioned in endtime prophecies. These
teachers of spiritually circumcised Israel, like the drunk priests of Ephraim
in the prophet Isaiah’s day, use precept-upon-precept or grammatico-historical
exegesis to cause a spiritual nation to stumble backwards, fall, be broken,
snared and taken (Isa 28:1–13) through determining that an endtime European
union is a modern resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire. They find Babylon,
Persia, and Greece identified by the prophet Daniel. Then cutting and pasting
from an uninspired history book, they insert Rome and the Roman Church wherever
their muddled minds locate a lacunae
[gap] in Holy Writ large enough to fit this spiritual prostitute, not realizing
that they, themselves, commit even greater abominations in the restored house
of God. But not to be outdone, the Roman Church, teaching a realized
eschatology, would have this present evil age being the manifestation of the
kingdom of God, with the wheat harvest being thrashed in purgatory. They have
been selling this same stale loaf for so long that their bread is no longer a
recognizable part of the body of Christ. Nevertheless, they continue to offer
the same product to a hungry world from a vendor stall adjoining their Salt
Lake City rivals that hawk, along with another testament of Christ,
instructions on how to lay aside a year’s worth of food. The kingdom of the world is presently
ruled by "the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at
work in the sons of disobedience" (Eph 2:2), among whom all disciples once
were (v. 3). All of humankind has been consigned to disobedience so that
God could have mercy on all (Rom 11:32). All of humanity has been given to the
prince of disobedience, to a kingdom identified as spiritual Babylon, its
identity taken from its head. And this kingdom of the world will not become the
kingdom of the Most High and of His Christ until halfway through seven, endtime
years of tribulation, even though the Most High or Ancient of Days retains
ultimate control of the kingdom. Again, for a while (six thousand years), the
Most High has given humanity to the prince of disobedience to produce a
situation that is the inverse of what happened in the heavenly realm when an
anointed cherub dragged a third of the angels into disobedience. The Most High
will draw a third part of humankind into obedience and the kingdom of heaven
(Zech 13:7-9). The image king Nebuchadnezzar saw in
vision is that of the spiritual hierarchy of Babylon, with the prince of
disobedience as its head. The division of this image occurs in the bronze
portion of the statute (Dan 2:32 — the thighs are bronze), and the bronze
kingdom shall rule the world (v. 39). The fourth kingdom initially
appears divided, and though strong, is never united, with one leg being the
image of the other. Pause and reread Daniel chapter 2,
verses 31 through 45. Four metals are present, plus miry [unfired] clay. All
four metals are present when the image is broken and blown away like chaff from
a thrashing floor (v. 35). And while
the instincts of prophecy pundits are to identify these four metals with the
four beasts of chapter 7, these instincts produce falsity because when the
kingdom of the world is given to one like the Son of Man, there is no body for
the fourth beast. All that remains of the fourth beast is a head that has been
dealt a mortal wound. These four beasts with their seven heads appear as the
first beast of Revelation chapter 13, and appear in the endtime chronological
record at the same time as the first beast appears. Yet the iron of the lower
legs and toes of the image King Nebuchadnezzar saw remains with the bronze,
silver, and gold when all are blown away by the wind. More than just a head
dealt a death wound remains of the iron until all of the metals (along with the
unfired clay) disappear before the Breath of God. When the Roman Empire overran Greece,
the Empire was united. There wasn’t an Eastern and Western Empire until centuries
later. Plus, biblical prophecies are confined to the geographical region that
was pre-Flood Eden. China, which was a great empire by the time of the Greeks,
is not mentioned in biblical prophecies, for China never reigned over the
geography of Eden, whereas Babylon, Persia, and Greece did. The geography of
pre-Flood Eden serves as the visual representation of humanity’s mental
topography. Thus, when Daniel tells king Nebuchadnezzar that into his hands God
‘"has given, wherever they dwell, the children of man, the beasts of the
field, and the birds of the heavens, making [him] rule over them all"’
(Dan 2:38), Daniel doesn’t speak hyperbole, but the reality that as king
Nebuchadnezzar was the type or shadow of the prince of disobedience, this prince
of disobedience reigns over the mental topography of human beings wherever they
live. Likewise, the broadcast of this prince of disobedience affects both
beasts and birds just as the prophesied outpouring of Holy Spirit (Joel 2:28)
will change the natures of the great predators, thereby allowing the lion to
lie down with the lamb (Isa 11:6–9). Human nature is a received nature in that
it is not the product of only biology but is produced by the broadcast of the
prince of disobedience, and is altered or affected by receipt of the Holy
Spirit. The demonstration of human nature being a received nature occurred when
king Nebuchadnezzar was given the mind of a beast for seven years (Dan 4:28–36)
as the shadow of the prince of disobedience being given the mind of a man when
he is cast from heaven. Wisdom is here required, for the false prophet is also
given the mind of a man. A mistake that goes back to the
conflict for the intellectual heart of Christianity between Ephesus and
Alexandria, between biblical literalists and allegorists, is the triumph of
realized eschatology, the study of last things that holds the kingdom of God
arrived with the man Jesus of Nazareth. Realized eschatology supports a
monotheocracy, such as the Roman Church’s reign in Western Europe, but it
contains within itself the argument against its validity. Christ Jesus’ reign
as King of kings on this old/physical earth is a millennium long. A new heaven
and a new earth come after approximately a thousand years (the length of the
great White Throne Judgment is unknown) of the glorified Jesus’ reign. If
realized eschatology were true, the new heaven and the new earth would have
come at the conclusion of the first millennium of the Common Era. And the Roman
Church taught that the new earth would then come as evidenced by the great
amount of land and money donated to the Church during the latter portion of the
10th-Century. The Church scared even the minor aristocracy into
building churches as it leveraged belief in the coming of the end of the age
into it becoming the dominant landholder in societies where land was the
primary means of determining wealth. But Jesus identified Satan as the ruler
of this world. Isaiah describes the king of Babylon, giving to this king the
description of Satan (Isa 14:4-21). And Satan rules humanity as the spiritual
king of Babylon by reigning over mental landscapes. Human kings such as
Nebuchadnezzar reign over a physical landscape and over physical subjects.
Spiritual kings reign over a mental landscape and over spiritual subjects; they
reign from the supra-dimensional realm usually identified as heaven. And the
kingdom of the world (i.e., control of human beings’ mental topography) will
not be given to Christ Jesus until the Ancient of Days’ court sits in session
(compare Dan 7:9-14 with Rev 11:15-19), even though Christ qualified to reign
when He defeated Satan mentally. Jesus said His kingdom was not of this
world (John 18:36). The Apostle Paul said that Hagar corresponds to present day
Jerusalem, but Christians are of the Jerusalem above, which isn’t a city
anywhere now on earth. Plus, Paul said that disciples are epistles from Christ
delivered by the ministry, written not in ink but with Spirit on the tablets of
the heart (2Co 3:3). These epistles are recorded in the Book of Life, with this
Book of Life bearing to Scripture the same relationship that the laws of God
written on stone tablets has to the laws of God written on hearts and minds—the
same relationship that the first Adam has to the last Adam. Thus, the kingdom
of the world that the Son of Man receives bears to earthly kingdoms of this
world the same relationship as the Book of Life has to Scripture. When the glorified Jesus comes as the
Messiah, He will be Lord of lords and King of kings (Rev 19:16), thereby reigning
over both physical and mental landscapes through controlling human thoughts and
desires. When He comes, there will be no other religion but Christianity, false
(under the Antichrist) or genuine. There will not be Buddhists, or Muslims, or
Atheists. For when the kingdom of the world is given to Christ Jesus, the Holy
Spirit will be poured out upon all of humanity (Joel 2:28). All human beings
will have become part of Abraham’s spiritually circumcised seed. Satan will be
cast from heaven (Rev 12:9-10), so he can no longer deceive human beings by
being the prince of the power of the air. When cast down, though, he will
arrive on earth claiming to be the Messiah. He will physically try to recapture
his former mental slaves by requiring all who buy and sell to accept the
physical mark of the beast (Chi xi stigma, or the tattoo [stigma]
of the Cross [Xx]). He will give his usurped authority to the
dominionless beasts of Daniel 7 that collectively form the defeated king of
Greece, and he will make an image of the fourth beast, whose body is destroyed,
and he will make this image speak. But as the Antichrist (the imitation of the
returned Messiah), he will not make additional Buddhists and Muslims. All of
humanity will have been born-from-above through receipt of the Holy Spirit. So
Satan, when cast from heaven, will try to subvert these newly born spiritual
Israelites, thereby causing these Israelites to lose their salvation, a sure
promise to all who endure to the end (Matt 24:13) without taking the mark of the
beast. Realized eschatology developed when
Alexandrian Christianity prevailed against the theologians at Ephesus. The
allegorists of Alexandria did not take Scripture as their primary source of
thought and theological structure. They did not use Scripture to provide
definitions and distinctions, or as the basis of their homilies. And they could
not win their arguments with the theologians at Ephesus as long as only
Scripture was used to support pagan Greek concepts such as human beings having
an immortal soul, received at human conception. Thus, the Alexandrian school
devalued individual Bible study by claiming that the laity could only read
Scripture literally, and was thus unable to understand Scripture. Therefore,
when disagreements between the Alexandrian school and the theologians at
Ephesus (who became identified as Arians) required that the pagan Roman Emperor
Constantine determine the nature of Christ Jesus, the realization that Satan as
the spiritual king of Babylon reigns over human beings was aborted. What
theologian was willing to tell the Emperor that he, Constantine, was an agent
of the devil? So in the 4th-Century, the spiritually holy nation of
God was formally taken as mental captives to spiritual Babylon. Constantine
wasn’t about to identify himself as an agent of Satan, nor were bishops that he
compelled to come to Nicea about to argue that position. And this position
would not be argued again until the 16th-Century when God ordered
that His spiritual house be rebuilt. As an aside but one of importance: when
the conflict between Alexandria and Ephesus was extended into the 4th-Century,
both schools were teaching error, and both schools were subservient to
spiritual princes [sars] who were not of God. The spiritual king of the
North reigned over the Arians, and the spiritual king of the south reigned over
the Alexandrians. These two spiritual princes fought wars, with the Vandals
sacking Rome as the last generally recognized war. But spiritual princes
outlast generations of human beings. The king of the North reigns today over
neo-Arian denominations—this king is the fourth beast of Daniel 7, and he has
not yet emerged from the stump of the first king of Greece, the great horn that
will be broken at the beginning of the endtime years of tribulation. The little
horn appears on the head of this fourth beast, so the man of perdition will be
a neo-Arian Christian. He will not be a pope, or someone to whom the pope
assigns his authority. Rather, he will war against Trinitarian Christianity,
and will eventually prevail only to be dealt a deadly wound thirty days after
declaring himself God. The four beasts that share dominion are
the four horns of the he-goat (Dan 8:7, 22 & 11:4), two of which are the
kings of the South and of the North; these two kings are the iron legs of
Nebuchadnezzar’s image. From the king of the North comes the man of perdition,
who takes away the daily and sets up the abomination of desolation (Dan 11:31
& Matt 24:15) at the time of the end, or shortly before the court of the Ancient
of Days sits in judgment. The setting up of this endtime abomination that
desolates is precisely dated to 1290 days before the coming of the Messiah (Dan
12:11). Thus, the court sits in session (Rev 11:15) forty-two months or 1260
days before the return of Christ. The reign of the man of perdition after he
declares himself god is thirty days. 2. The seventh chapter of Daniel doesn’t say what prophecy pundits
would have it say. Babylon, Persia and Greece did not outlast Rome and the Holy
Roman Empire. They would do so if the fourth beast were Rome and the first
three Babylon, Persia, and Greece, as is usually taught by Evangelical
theologians But again, Rome is not mentioned by Daniel, for the horizontal
shadow of the Satan’s standing hierarchical government stretches from the reign
of Nebuchadnezzar to Antiochus Epiphanes, who polluted the temple by
sacrificing a pig on the altar and placing a statute of Zeus in the Holy of
holies. These physical abominations are the shadow of the endtime abomination (Matt
24:15) who is the man of perdition declaring himself God (2Thess 2:4) 1290 days
(Dan 12:11) before Christ Jesus returns to restore all things. So the prophecy
pundit who identifies the fourth beast as the Roman Empire needs reading
glasses. Then for this person to further identify the ten horns of the fourth
beast as ten revivals of the Roman Empire and to identify the little horn as
the Pope reveals the person’s bigotry. The visions of Daniel were sealed until
the time of the end; they could not be understood by anyone earlier than the
time of the end. They were sealed with their shadow. Therefore, until
typological exegesis reemerged from the annuals of history at the beginning of
the 21st-Century, no person could spiritually understand the sealed
and kept secret visions. Prophecy pundits who find the Roman
Empire in the visions of Daniel do real damage to the spiritually circumcised
descendants of Abraham. They do not prepare the firstborn son of the last Eve
to keep the commandments of God during the Tribulation, nor will they prepare a
spiritual Seth, the third-born son of the last Eve, to refuse the mark of the
beast. Instead, many of them teach that the born-again Church will escape the
Tribulation by a pre-Trib, or mid-Trib bodily rapture, which is akin to
prophesying Peace, peace, when there will be no peace. And the penalty
for doing so is having the prophecy pundit’s name cut off from the Book of
Life. The spiritually holy nation was sent
into mental bondage to Babylon when this nation refused to walk in the ways of
God, profaning His Sabbaths, while teaching a gospel of lawlessness. The nation
was mentally exiled as physically circumcised Israel was physically exiled to
Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon. And in spiritual Babylon all of the Church, still holy
to God, remained a captured nation for twelve full centuries (325 CE through
1525 CE), with God’s instructions to this nation being what the Prophet
Jeremiah wrote to the captives in physical Babylon: ‘"But seek the welfare
of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its
behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.…For I know the plans I
have for you, declares the Lord, plans for wholeness and not for evil’"
(Jer 29:7, 11). This verse is today unwittingly cited by Evangelical
theologians to congregations that have remained in spiritual Babylon after a
remnant of the Church left the city through the theology of the Radical
Reformers of the 16th-Century. Thus, most of spiritually circumcised
Israel will remain a mentally captive nation in Babylon until liberated at the
second Passover, when firstborns, spiritual and physical, will again be slain
if not covered by the blood of the Lamb of God. The plan God has for Israel is
glorification. But because His holy nation would not be ruled by Him in the 1st,
2nd, or 3rd Centuries, He first caused the Church to
separate into a spiritual house of Judah and a spiritual house of Israel. He
then sent both houses into captivity, with the prince of the North reigning
over the spiritual house of Israel and the prince of the South reigning over
the spiritual house of Judah, as foreshadowed by the physically circumcised
nation. And just as the world today recognizes the descendants of the physical
house of Judah as all of Israel, the world recognizes the descendant
denominations from the spiritual house of Judah as all of Christianity. The
descendant denominations from the spiritual house of Israel (Arian or neo-Arian
Christianity) are identified as cults. They are not recognized as Christians by
the spiritually circumcised house of Judah. Yet it is one of these neo-Arian
sects that will dominate Christianity immediately prior to when the kingdom of
the world becomes the kingdom of the Father and of the Son. The neo-Arian sect that will dominate
Christendom when the man of perdition declares himself God has been preparing
to leverage food into discipleship for decades. This sect is well prepared for
evangelism in the first half of the seven, endtime years of tribulation. But a
disciple bets against God with his or her spiritual life if the disciple trades
even a little lawlessness for food. The disciple will have made him or herself
a spiritual descendant of Esau rather than of Israel, to whom the promise goes. Put more bluntly, the Apostle Paul
identified the 1st-Century Church as the infant Isaac, the son of
promise. During the millennia between the 1st and 21st
Centuries, Isaac matured, married, and with the schism in the 16th-Century,
two sons were conceived that today struggle within the womb of Isaac (Rebekah’s
womb is Isaac’s womb), one son hated, one loved, even though both remain under
Grace with no sin imputed to either. But the faith of the hated son will not
cause the natural branches of Israel to be jealous (Rom 11:11, 13-14), whereas
the faith of the loved son will, for the loved son lives as a Judean even
though this son is physically uncircumcised. Because this loved son keeps the
precepts of the law, the uncircumcision of this loved son is counted as
circumcision (Rom 2:26-29). Therefore, because the faith of the hated son is
not sufficient to cause any physically circumcised branch broken from the
cultivar Israel to be jealous, this
hated son is a worthless son,
destined to be a vessel for dishonorable use, a vessel broken in the potter’s
field because of the filth it contains. The prophecy pundits of the spiritual
houses of Israel and of Judah have married teachers of lawlessness who, too
often, berate disciples for remaining in covenant with God the Father. These
teachers of lawlessness accuse God of legalism. Their doubly accursed
gospel is the legalism that would
have disciples living by the laws of God written on heart and minds through
receipt of the Holy Spirit. But neither the pundits nor their wives will be
recognized by Christ, despite the mighty works they do in His name (Matt
7:21-23), when they are resurrected to condemnation. Again, Jeremiah’s words
pertain: ‘"Send to all the exiles, saying, "Thus says the Lord
concerning Shemaiah of Nehelam: Because Shemaiah had prophesied to you when I
did not send him, and has made you believe in a lie, therefore thus says the
Lord: Behold, I will punish Shemaiah of Nehelam and his descendants. He shall
not have anyone living among this people, and he shall not see the good that I
will do to my people, declares the Lord, for he has spoken rebellion against
the Lord"’" (Jer 29:31-32). The ultimate expression of rebellion
against God is refusing to enter His rest when told, and attempting to enter on
the following day. For this reason, the nation that left Egypt, with the
exception of Joshua and Caleb, was slain as if they were a single man (Num chap
14). And this nation that left Egypt is a type and shadow of the Church during
the great falling away (2Thess 2:3). There is a very high price attached to
misleading Israel. The endtime good news that must be proclaimed to the world
as a witness to all nations (Matt 24:14) is that all who endure to the end will
be saved (v. 13). A gospel about Christ has been taken to the world; a
gospel about Christ’s soon-coming Millennium reign has also been taken to the
world. The gospel that remains to be proclaimed is that when the court of the
Ancient of Days sits in judgment and dominion is taken from the four beasts of
Daniel 7, the Holy Spirit will be poured out upon all of humanity (Joel 2:28
& Acts 2:17). All peoples will become spiritual Israelites. All who then
endure without taking the mark of the beast will be saved. Endtime prophecies are about Israel,
for no other nation will spiritually exist at Christ’s return. There will only
be genuine spiritually circumcised Israelites, and false Israelites. Genuine
Israelites are those saints "who keep the commandments of God and their
faith in Jesus" (Rev 14:12). And keeping faith in Jesus will not be easy
when Christ reveals, "If anyone is to be taken captive, to captivity he
goes; if anyone is to be slain with the sword, with the sword must he be slain.
Here is a call for the endurance and faith of the saints" (Rev 13:10). And
the saints are those disciples who are legalists; i.e., who keep the
commandments of God. All who are not legalists once Israel has been mentally
liberated will be resurrected to condemnation. They will be dogs that return to
their vomit, to swallow again the lies of Satan and his demons that these
saints puked out when liberated. The prophecy pundits who identify the
fourth beast of Daniel 7 as the Roman Empire inevitably identify either the
modern nation of Israel as the Israel of endtime prophecies, or the
United States and Britain as the Israel of endtime prophecies. The first
case is the error of all modern Alexandrians and most neo-Arians; and the
second case is the error of the Christian Identity movement, Armstrongites and
most sacred name cults. In both cases, the pundits’ vision is horizontal, not
vertical. They are physically, not spiritually minded. These pundits fail to
realize that physically circumcised Israel no longer has an exclusive covenant
relationship with God (Eph 2:15). They fail to recognize that all endtime
references to Israel are about the greater Church…a spiritual Israelite is a
person who has the Holy Spirit (Rom 8:9-14), who has a circumcised heart (Rom
2:29). Today, the physically circumcised descendants of the patriarch Jacob
have no covenant relationship with God except through Christ Jesus. 3. A vision that has been sealed and secret until the time of the end
(Dan 12:4, 9; 8:26 et al) can only be opened through the creation of
another text through intertextuality
or hypertextuality, for no new written
text will be widely accepted because of the concept of sola Scriptura. Yet, only through the creation of a new text can a
vision having been sealed and supernaturally kept secret become understandable. Through typological exegesis, all of
Scripture is linked to the Book of Life, this link being one of a special form
of hypertextuality—and this is an
especially difficult concept to accept since the restoration of the spiritual
house of God in the 16th-Century. When Israel was physical, the creation
of texts came from a prophet receiving a physical vision, with the last of
these visions being received shortly after a remnant of Israel returned to
Jerusalem from Babylon. And since Israel became a spiritual nation, Holy Writ
expanded through the inscription of selected deeds of Jesus of Nazareth, and by
inclusion of epistles inspired by the Holy Spirit. The sole exception is the
vision of the Apostle John [the book of Revelation], which is the self-declared
revelation of Christ Jesus given to Him by the Father. Therefore, the
introduction of extra-textual narrative must be viewed with suspicion. However,
a sealed text cannot be unsealed except through the generation of the text or
texts that does the unsealing. Without an additional text, a sealed text will forever
remain sealed. It cannot be unsealed. Christian literalists tend to
disbelieve what they profess to literally believe. They choose to apply their
extra-textual knowledge of history to how the sealed text of Daniel’s visions
reads. They, then, to create understanding, leave Scripture to create an
uninspired additional text that inevitably inserts Rome and the Roman Empire
into prophecy, thereby adding to Scripture. Of course, they will deny that they
have added to Scripture. They insist that they merely interpret existing
symbols; yet, they will reject interpretations differing from their own, thus
elevating their own additional text, created from how they read the sealed
visions, to the status of Scripture. The vision the Apostle John received
purports not to be sealed (Rev 22:10), because the time is near. But despite
disciples having access to John’s words for nearly two millennia, the events
John saw haven’t yet taken place. The vision wasn’t for a time that was soon
(Rev 1:1 & 22:6-7), or near to those disciples living in the 1st-Century.
Rather, the vision was for the Lord’s day (Rev 1:10), which begins when the
kingdom of the world becomes the kingdom of the Father and of the Son. Thus,
the vision was sealed through one literary trope, which allows those
individuals in the vision to say that the time is soon or near,
but has the vision actually occurring two millennia in the future. A second
literary trope is also employed to make sure that the vision doesn’t cause the
premature unsealing of the visions of the prophet Daniel. This trope has the
appearance of entities being how these entities function in the plan of God, an
example being that Jesus of Nazareth functions as the spiritual paschal Lamb of
God so He appears as a Lamb (Rev 5:6–14). The seven spirits serve as His eyes;
hence, they appear as eyes. And this trope of appearance being functionality
continues forward, thereby creating the need for an additional text to untangle
these figures of speech. Jesus’ physical ministry in Judea forms
the shadow of a spiritual endtime ministry that is a continuation of His
physical ministry. The Book of Acts, now, forms the shadow of spiritually
empowered saints during the first half of seven endtime years of tribulation.
The Creation Account of Genesis 1:1 through 2:3 actually presents the
typological summation of the plan of God (it serves as the abstract for the
spiritual creation of God), and throughout the account, physically created life
forms become taxonomically more godlike. Elohim
creates humankind, male and female, in Elohim’s
image the afternoon of the sixth day. Thus, the physically created life
forms becoming more godlike forms the shadow of the spiritual development of
the descendants of Abraham. Typology reveals an endtime conversion of Israel in
the spiritual realm, not the conversion of the physical descendants of the
ancient patriarch (which will happen), or the conversion of that portion of
humanity that has never known God, but the conversion of the Church. Again pause for a moment: the vast
majority of the Christian Church identifies itself as the Body of Christ
without realizing that not just the head of a lamb is sacrificed, but also its
body. Jesus said it was enough for the student to be like his or her Teacher,
and the servant to be like his or her Master (Matt 10:24-25 & John
12:25-26)—and if the Teacher and Master was sacrificed, why would the student
and servant not also expect to be sacrificed? They shall be, but they are not
today an acceptable sacrifice for sin still dwells in their flesh. However,
when the Son of Man is revealed, both the uncovered Head and cloaked Body will
be revealed. Disciples will put off the garment of Jesus’ righteousness, for
every disciple will be empowered or filled by the Holy Spirit. No longer will sin
dwell in the flesh. Every disciple will become an acceptable sacrifice. But the
majority of the Church will take sin back into themselves, thereby making
themselves into part of the great falling away with repentance no longer
allowed (2Thess 2:11-12). They will be spiritually slain as if they were a
single man, for they will attempt to enter God’s rest on the following day (Num
14:40-41, with Ps 95:10-11 & Heb 3:16-4:10). Typology discloses the reality of the
Days of Unleavened Bread, when those who are of God will live seven years
without sin and with no covering for sin but their obedience to God. The cloak
of Christ Jesus’ righteousness will be removed when the Son of Man is revealed
(Luke 17:26–30). Disciples will be naked before God. They will cover their sins
with their obedience to God. And they will be driven from the presence of God
if they lose this covering of obedience. They will not eat of the tree of life. The prophecy pundits that find Rome
lurking in the visions of Daniel will then be like the false prophets and
priests of Jeremiah and Ezekiel’s day, leading many saints astray and into
iniquity. And these same pundits will now scream, Foul, as the
discussion of producing additional texts is resumed. If no additional text addresses a
sealed and secret prophecy, the prophecy will forever remain sealed. But once
physical Israel became spiritual Israel, Holy Writ isn’t produced through
additional visions. No supplemental visions are needed. The complete shadow of
events in the spiritual realm has been recorded for every spiritual Israelite
to read. This is why Scripture isn’t of a private interpretation. But such
private interpretations have been taught by Ellen G. White, by Herbert
Armstrong, and now by Perry Stone, as well as by a host of other prophecy
pundits. So the additional texts needed to open sealed and secret prophecies
are produced through the concept of hypertextuality,
where the received text creates an additional text once the spiritual Israelite
realizes that what is recorded in Holy Writ constitutes the physical shadow of
spiritual realities. Unless a person is spiritually minded,
the person cannot understand spiritual things, a trite expression, the meaning
of which cannot be realized by those who are not spiritually minded. Sealed
prophecies are now open to everyone through typological exegesis, the reading
strategy taught at Ephesus even after the scholars there went into spiritual
bondage to the spiritual king of the North. The prophecies, themselves, produce
the additional narrative needed to unseal them—an academic sounding way of
saying the prophecies must be reread to tell a new story that reveals the fate
of spiritual Israel. No text of human origin will be
inspired. Therefore, while Babylon, Persia and Greece are mentioned by name in
the visions of Daniel, Rome is not. Rome could have been if the empire belonged
in endtime prophecies. Alexander’s reign was still more than a century in the
future. So an argument that Rome isn’t mentioned because its reign was
futuristic lacks intellectual integrity. It isn’t mentioned because it forms no
part of the physical shadow of spiritual events. So to project Rome into the
sealed words of Daniel is adding to Holy Writ through the production of a false
additional text. The shrillness on the denunciation of
the prophecy pundits who find Rome, the Roman Empire, the Holy Roman Empire, or
the Roman See in the visions of Daniel comes from an implanted need to gather
the scattered sheep of Israel that have wandered far from the laws of God. These
sheep are being milked for tithes and offering by the wolves that are devouring
them with doctrines of lawlessness. Disciples are no longer under the law, for
the laws of God have been written on their hearts and minds. But spiritual
infants, like physical infants, cannot read. Only by looking into the mirror of
the perfect law of liberty can these infants see what has been written on their
hearts and minds—these infants still need spiritual milk (1 Co 3:1-4; Heb
5:12-13) as evidenced by one saying he is a Baptist, and another saying
he is a Catholic, and a third saying that he follows Joseph Smith, and a
fourth saying that she follows Ellen G. White or Mary Baker Eddy or whomever
else that equates to Paul and Apollo. They are not yet mature enough to resist
the blandishments of wolves who say that Christ can be found if they jump over
this cliff, or if they follow that dry ravine, or if they spurn the terms of
the eternal covenant into which they were placed when drawn by the Father (John
6:44, 65), or if they give enough money to this ministry or to that
denomination. They attend spiritual pep rallies at which a wolf will claim that
he or she feels the presence of the Holy Spirit. The wolf might, indeed, feel
the presence of a spirit, but that spirit isn’t the Breath of God. The cities of the lost sheep of the
house of Israel (Matt 10:6) to which endtime disciples are sent aren’t physical
cities, but denominations and fellowships, most of which teach that the fourth
beast of Daniel 7 is the Roman Empire, thereby milking the animosity that
exists between the endtime followers of Paul and the endtime followers of
Apollo for additional tithes and offering so that the saints discipled by the
other will be converted either from dead works or from having left the
universal church. These wolves have corralled the lost sheep of Israel in blind
canyons, and these wolves must be confronted. The inspired text must be used
against them, which means deconstructing the traditional understandings of
Daniel’s vision, especially his vision of the four beasts that are four kings
(Dan 7:17), and producing a new text, a spiritual text produced from its
physical antecedent. Biblical criticism for Believers is a
special form of literary criticism. Much of post-modern literary criticism
focuses on locating textual lacunae
to pry open the text so that cultural values can be examined; therefore,
criticism often focuses on what has been excluded from a text. Theoretical
Feminism focuses on the "other," or that which is background. The assumption
is that what has been included or foregrounded in the text can be readily
discerned by even novice readers. And while this might be true with secular
texts, it isn’t with inspired Scripture, as evidenced by the thousands of
schisms, divisions, and denominations of the greater Church. Again, to understand Scripture, a
person must be spiritually mind. The corollary to being spiritually minded is
to set one’s mind on the things of the flesh. This person is hostile to God
(Rom 8:7), and if hostile to God, the person reads Scripture without spiritual
understanding, then reads to pick a fight with God the Father, Christ Jesus His
Messiah, and with Christianity. This person can be extremely intelligent, very
well educated, and biblically illiterate without any contradiction existing.
And many such individuals are tenured in academia. They know the nuances of koine Greek. They know the writings of
the Church fathers; they have read these writing in their Greek and Latin
original language. And these individuals have constructed a parasitic body of
works based upon what is missing in Scripture. In order to focus on what is absent
from Scripture, scholars have been, borrowing Matthew Arnold’s words, educated
unto unbelief. Hermann Melville a century and a half ago questioned how could a
received text be believed. His conclusion was what a text gave it could take
away, thereby leaving a person having read many words but knowing nothing. And
scholars who focus on Scriptural absence have read many words and know nothing
except what isn’t in Scripture. Scholars who know nothing are a
relatively recent phenomenon. Earlier generations of biblical scholars believed
they did understand Scripture. They lacked skepticism about whether God exists,
or if Scripture can be trusted. They might now be considered naïve, but because
they had faith, they were able to read Holy Writ as the instruction manual God
sent with humankind. They realized that disciples had to live within the laws
of God. But they were not able to understand sealed and secret prophecies. They
thought they could, and they assigned meanings to words sealed until the time
of the end. They read much, but understood no endtime prophecy. Yet it is to
these men and women, with few exceptions, that Evangelical pundits turn for
their understanding of prophecies. What has been needed is a body of
biblical criticism that incorporates structuralist
principles while being both modern
and post-modern. The close readings
of such critics will focus on what has been included in Scripture while
noticing absences. Historical exegesis doesn’t focus upon
close reading of the text, but upon the traditions taught by early Church
scholars at Alexandria. It is actually an anti-textual reading strategy. And it
stems from the triumph of allegory over literalism. The theology of every Christian
denomination will either be text based or tradition based. When a denomination
first forms the denomination tends to be text based. The few exceptions are
denominations theologically based upon the teachings of a prophet, such as
Joseph Smith of The Latter Day Saints [Mormons], and Ellen G. White of the
Seventh Day Adventists. Most denominations have begun like the Radio Church of
God did—the Radio Church of God used the text-based teachings of Herbert
Armstrong to separate its disciples from the rest of Christianity. But
following Herbert Armstrong’s death, the majority of the splintered fragments
of his administration ceased being text based, and become tradition based, with
the largest fragment, The Worldwide Church of God, returning to
grammatico-historical exegesis. The majority of the fragments now teach
Scripture, especially prophecy, as Herbert Armstrong taught Scripture. They
refuse to reread Holy Writ for themselves. One fragment, Gerald Flurry’s Philadelphia
Church of God, even goes so far as to publicly state that Herbert Armstrong
restored all truth, thereby being the endtime Elijah (Matt 17:10-12)). And the
practices of these fragments closely mirror what happened to fellowships
following the death of Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox, Menno Simon, and
others. Herbert Armstrong used
precept-upon-precept exegesis to lever disciples away from tradition-based
denominations. As a result, he poorly understood some theological concepts such
as being born again, or born-from-above. But most importantly, his
precept-upon-precept exegesis caused him to believe that he and his
organization represented all of the saints on earth; he claimed to be the only
true church. And his administration displayed little love toward saints in
other fellowships. But then, the tendency of all denominations with theology
derived from precept-upon-precept exegesis is to have little or no love for
anyone not in their fellowships. These denominations are spiritual elitists;
they are pharisaical. They have, indeed, fallen backwards, been broken, snared
and taken (Isa 28:13). Denominations with their theology based
upon historical exegesis teach the traditions of men. And where all of this
seemingly unrelated (to the beasts of Daniel 7) discussion leads is in a circle
back to intertextuality and hypertextuality. The supplemental text
necessary to understand what has been sealed and secret until the time of the
end was given when Daniel received his sealed visions. The above creates a problem for
theologies based upon historical exegesis. If a prophecy has been sealed until
the time of the end, the prophecy cannot be understood by any scholar or pundit
earlier than the time of the end. Grammatico-historical exegesis now stands in
the way of understanding endtime prophecies; it is actually the bane of good
scholarship. The prophecy pundit and his teacher wife who advocates the
continued use of historical exegesis advocates keeping endtime prophecies
sealed, certainly a concept Satan will support. If the age of "revelation"
ended centuries ago, then the additional revelation necessary to unseal a
prophecy must already be an unread part of the text. No other statement can be
true. Thus, how spiritual Israel receives revelation must necessarily differ
from how physical Israel received revelation. For the endtime Church,
revelation comes by being able to read the formerly sealed words of the book of
truth; revelation comes by spiritual realization. This "realization"
or ability to read what had been sealed comes as a gift, just as the visions of
Daniel came as gifts necessary to fulfill the plan of God. Whereas much of modern literary
criticism tends to focus on what has been excluded from a text, typological
exegesis focuses on what has been included. Typology isn’t about absence, but
about textual presence. The unread part of the text needed to create the
additional narrative necessary to open a sealed prophecy isn’t cached in a
textual gap. It will be hidden in plain sight within what is present. So when
typology is brought to bear upon Daniel’s vision, the reader still notices
gaps; such as Daniel would have seen the body of the fourth beast. But Daniel
doesn’t describe the body except that it had iron teeth, and devoured and broke
in pieces and stamped with its feet, and that it had ten horns (v. 7).
Daniel could have certainly described the beast’s body that was destroyed and
given over to be burned. All he writes, though, is that it was different from
the beasts that were before it. So this fourth beast’s body is missing from the
sum of the matter, what Daniel recorded (Dan 7:1), an important omission
when readers again meet these four beasts. What is most important, though, is
the presence of the other three bodies without them having dominion. Therefore,
the scene recorded in verses 11 and 12 of Daniel’s summation can be precisely
dated. A second omission in Daniel’s summation
of his vision is who or what did the fourth beast devour, break in pieces and
stamp what was left with its feet. That who or what cannot be the third beast,
for the Ancient of Days takes dominion away from all four beasts. The third
beast still has dominion of some sort after the fourth beast stamps whatever is
left. Good biblical criticism still incorporates the basic strategies of
literary criticism, but under the umbrella of belief in God. This belief will
cause the critic to accept what is present in Holy Writ as factual. And if what
is present in the text is factual, then the derivative texts generated by intertextuality aren’t parasitic, aren’t
about what is missing, but about what occurs in the supra-dimensional realm
usually identified as heaven. In actuality, the critic who stands atop
typological exegesis sees into the Promised Land from the mountains across the
Jordan, just as Moses did. It will be the two witnesses (Rev 11:3-13) who cross
into the promised land and acquire spiritual power as the reality of the two
spies Joshua sent to view the land, especially Jericho (Jos 2:1). 4. It is past time to begin. In the first year of Belshazzar as king
of Babylon, the prophet Daniel saw a vision that greatly alarmed him. Daniel
wrote the dream down, and told the sum of the matter. So what readers receive
is the sum of the matter
through the principle of narrative economy, which will have only
what’s important being recorded with again, the key to understanding prophecy
being that in all things, the physical precedes the spiritual (1 Co 15:46) and
the visible reveals the invisible (Rom 1:20). What has been recorded in Holy
Writ is that portion of a historical narrative about Israel that is relevant to
the spiritual reality. This recorded portion forms the physical shadow of a
spiritual phenomenon, which is why the books of the Maccabees are not canonical
Scripture, for Christ will break the reign of the spiritual king of the North
(Matt 24:15 – compare to Dan 11:31) in a different manner than how the
Hasmonean family broke Antiochus IV’s reign over Jerusalem. The Maccabean wars
are not the lively representation, in Jonathon Edwards’ phrasing, of an endtime
spiritual war even though they represent, again in Edwards’ words, true
history…the leading Puritan thinkers of the early 18th-Century were
very close to breaking the sealed visions of Daniel before the time of the end
arrived. Therefore, treating Daniel’s summation
of the vision he saw in the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon as
inspired text rather than as an idol or as myth, understanding of the vision
begins by locating the vision in prophetic context. Working backwards from the
end of the matter (Dan 7:28), Daniel’s summation has "the kingdom and the
dominion [of the fourth beast] and the greatness of kingdoms under the whole
heaven shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High" (v.
27). Notice that the kingdom and dominion of the fourth beast doesn’t encompass
all of the greatness of kingdoms under the whole heaven, but all of the
kingdoms and dominions will be given to the saints. Daniel told Nebuchadnezzar
that he shall rule, as king of Babylon, the children of men wherever they were.
Satan as the spiritual king of Babylon (Isa 14:4-21) has ruled the children of
men as the prince of the power of the air (Eph 2:2). So the fourth beast
doesn’t exercise control over all of spiritual Babylon prior to when "the
court shall sit in judgment, and his dominion shall be taken away" (Dan
7:26) supernaturally. Daniel’s vision occurred with a unified
chronology: one event follows another. The four beasts appear, one after
another, with the fourth beast having ten horns. Then the little horn came up
and uprooted three of the ten horns. Then the Ancient of Days takes His seat,
and the court sits in judgment. The little horn spoke great words, but the
fourth beast is killed, and its body burned, while dominion is taken from the
other three beasts. Then one like the son of man came to the Ancient of Days,
and dominion was given to him. So in reverse, the kingdom and dominion will be
given to the people of the saints of the Most High (Dan 7:27). Then the court
sits in judgment (v. 26). Then the little horn "shall speak words
against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and
shall think to change the times and the law; and they [the saints] shall be
given into his [the little horn’s] hand for a time, times, and half a
time" (v. 25). A time, times, and half a time is usually
recognized as three and a half years. It is the same length of time as
forty-two months, and 1260 days. But the expression time, times, and half a
time reckons this length of time from God’s perspective rather than from
the perspective of angelic beings, or human beings. Therefore, verse 25
expounds the latter portion of verse 8 and the first of verse 11. The saints
are given into the hand of the little horn for 1260 days immediately prior to
the fourth beast being destroyed. A host of prophecy pundits have
concluded that these 1260 days represent 1260 years when the Roman Church had
control of Christianity in Western Europe. They have identified the fourth
beast as Rome, so they could ignore everything north and east of Byzantium, and
everything south and east of Egypt. They might conclude that the dominion of
the other three beasts represent the reigns of the Orthodox Churches and the
Coptic Church, but they have already identified the first beast as secular
Babylon, the second as Persia, and the third as Greece, thereby making these
four beasts match the reigns of their assignments of kingdoms to
Nebuchadnezzar’s image, where each dynasty represents less quality and more
strength. So the traditional explanation of these beasts has an inherent flaw
that negates its validity. The fourth beast cannot be Rome if the first is
political Babylon, the second Persia and the third Greece. The text hasn’t yet
ruled out the fourth beast being spiritual Rome, with the third being spiritual
Greece. But this ruling will come. Continuing to work in reverse, the ten
horns are ten kings that arise from the fourth kingdom (Dan 7:24). They are all
in place prior to when the little horn arises: "and another shall arise
after them; he shall be different from the former ones, and he shall put down
three kings" (same verse). So the little horn isn’t the Roman Church
gaining control of the Roman Empire and uprooting Roman paganism. The ten horns
are not ten successive kings or kingdoms, but contemporary kings. They are not
ten revivals of the Roman Empire. They are ten kings who can telephone each
other, for they co-exist 1260 days before the fourth beast is judged and
dominion taken from all four beasts. And three of them are uprooted by the
little horn, who makes war against the saints of the Most High. Logic would
have it that three of these kings will not go along with the little horn making
war on the saints. The little horn "seemed greater than its
companions" (v. 20); so it was able to uproot three of its
companions. All eleven horns temporarily coexist in
power. And all eleven are of the fourth beast, or king (from v. 17) who
shares dominion with three other kings, even though this fourth king is
different from the other three and is terrifying, dreadful and exceedingly
strong (v. 7). Because the saints have been given into the hand of the
little horn (v. 25), the fourth king devours and tramples saints with
its iron teeth and bronze claws (from v.19) so the beginning hunter now
knows more about this fourth beast than do the many prophecy pundits that will
have the horns being historic revivals of the Roman and Holy Roman Empire. The Roman Church doesn’t successfully
devour and trample saints. It mis-teaches disciples, and has usurped authority
not given it, but it has also nurtured many disciples who will be resurrected
to life. It is an easy target at which to shoot. It is large enough that even
the most blind prophecy pundit can hit some portion of it. And large numbers of
very blind pundits have taken cheap shots at it, as if the Reformation were the
opening day of duck season. A question needs asked: why would a
secular king wear out the saints for forty-two months? Christians are, for the
most part, the best citizens a nation has. They should be the most law-abiding.
They should be honest in their business dealings. They should be the least
interested in overthrowing a human ruler. But the little horn shall speak words
against the Most High and shall think to change times and the law (Dan 7:25);
so the little horn isn’t a secular king. He cannot be and speak words against
the Most High to the Most High. He is king over a false Christianity, and he
shall wear out the saints who are those disciples that by faith keep the
commandments of God. Only a remnant of these saints—the ones who also have the
testimony of Jesus (Rev 12:17)—from the beginning of the endtime years will
escape (spiritual virgins are those saints that received spiritual birth after
the Church has been empowered) into the second half of these seven endtime
years. All Israelites, physical and spiritual,
that keep the commandments are the saints, with the Sabbath commandment being
the sign that identifies these Israelites to the man of perdition. During the
first 1260 days of the endtime years, Sabbath observance marks who is of God in
the same way that accepting the mark of the beast [i.e., the tattoo of the
cross — chi xi stigma] brands who is
of the Antichrist during the second 1260 days of the endtime years. The man of
perdition forms a type and time-linked shadow of Satan who comes as the reality
of the Antichrist when he is cast from heaven halfway through the seven endtime
years. The man of perdition came by the workings of Satan (2Thess 2:9);
literally, the man of perdition is a human being possessed by Satan, with this
human being convinced that the angel inside him is Jesus Christ. The little horn rules theologically. He
uproots three sects or denominations of the Christianity of the Cross by
changing times and the law. He will wear out saints who keep the law.
And at least two sects or denominations of Christianity are seventh-day
Sabbath-keepers. One major neo-Arian denomination will not compromise with
another even larger neo-Arian denomination. So the three uprooted kings reign
over theological kingdoms. The remaining seven kings unite behind wearing out
the saints for 1260 days prior to Satan being cast from heaven and coming as
the Antichrist to further wear out all of humanity, which will be why enduring
to the end becomes a trial of faith. The last Eve, in giving birth to many
heirs, will experience genuine hard labor pains. Consider for a moment the theological
incompatibility of Roman Catholicism and Mormonism. There are genuine saints in
both denominations, so would one wear out the saints in the other if one were
to exercise great dominion within the larger nation composed of all spiritually
circumcised descendants of Abraham? Would one try to convert the other? Would
one wage real war against the other? The Vandals sacked Rome, and Trinitarian
Christians lynched Joseph Smith. So yes, either would wage a shooting war
against the other if the theological stakes were high enough. And stakes will
be that high once the Tribulation begins. Presently, most Evangelical prophecy
pundits believe that the Church will be caught up to heaven in the Rapture prior to the trials of the
Tribulation. These pundits have set their disciples up to be spiritually
slaughtered, if the second Passover leaves any firstborn among them for
neo-Arian Christianity to convert. Saints will be sheep that are herded here,
then driven there, only to be loaded in stock trucks to be sold at depressed
prices because of how many are being sheared, then butchered. The last Eve, like the first, will give
birth to three sons, a spiritual Cain, Abel, and Seth. The prophet Isaiah,
quoting the Lord, wrote, ‘"Before she was in labor she gave birth; before
her pain came upon her she delivered a son.…For as soon as Zion was in labor
she brought forth her children’" (Isa 66:7–8). The last Eve, created when
Jesus breathed on ten of His disciples (John 20:22), has today in her womb two
sons that will be delivered in a day, one son hated, one loved, with the hated son
to be delivered first, this firstborn son a spiritual Cain whose offering to
God is even before birth the fruit of the ground, bread and wine, the
sacraments that would represent the Body and Blood of Christ Jesus, the Lamb of
God, if taken on the Passover. To clarify the preceding statement, the
sacraments of bread and wine become the body and blood of the Lamb when eaten
and drank on the Passover, taken on the same night that Jesus was betrayed (1
Co 11:23), which was on the 14th of the first month of the sacred
year. At any other time, bread and wine is merely the fruit of the ground,
leaving disciples who will be born as the spiritual Cain in the position in
which the first Cain found himself. God told Cain, ‘"If you do well, will
you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door.
Its desire is for you, but you must rule over it"’ (Gen 4:7) The
sacraments, taken at any time other than on the night Jesus was betrayed,
constitute merely an offering made to God of the fruit of the ground. Thus, the
person who takes the sacraments on a night other than the night on which Jesus
was betrayed will be accepted by God if the person does well, but this person
must rule over sin or lawlessness through doing well, for the person has not covered
his or her sin through taking the sacraments in a worthy manner. The person is
outside the covenant by which the glorified Jesus bears the sins of the person
in the heavenly realm. Bluntly put, the disciple who will not, by faith, keep
the commandments of God is, even while under Grace and before empowerment by
the Holy Spirit, hated by God for his or her lawlessness [as used by the
prophet Isaiah, birth of the children
of Zion occurs at the beginning of
the seven endtime years of tribulation, this birth not of the new creature in
the fleshly tent of the old man, but
of the total liberation of the tent and all who dwell in one from sin]. The firstborn spiritual Cain will slay
his righteous brother who’s offering to God is a lamb; specifically, the Lamb
of God offered through taking the sacraments on the night Jesus was betrayed. Daniel didn’t understand what he was
seeing, so in vision he approached one of those who stood by the throne and
asked him the truth concerning all he saw (Dan 7:16). This angel made known the
interpretation of the things (same verse). The angel said, ‘"These four
great beasts are four kings who shall arise out of the earth. But the saints of
the Most High shall receive the kingdom and possess the kingdom forever"’ (vv.
17-18). And Daniel sees another vision which has four kings that reign until
broken, ‘"but by no human hand"’ (Dan 8:25) at the time of the end (v.
17). These are the four horns of the he-goat that arise when the he-goat’s
great horn or first horn is broken (vv. 7, 22-23). The he-goat is
identified by the angel Gabriel as ‘"the king of Greece"’ (v.
21). This vision is sealed (v. 26), and is for the time of the end
(again, v. 17). It refers to many days from when Daniel received it. While a century and a half can be
considered as many days from hence, a century and a half after Daniel lived was
not the time of the end. The long vision Daniel received (chaps 10–12)
was sealed and secret until the time of the end (Dan 12:4, 9), when the
resurrection of saints was near, and ‘"Many shall run to and fro, and
knowledge shall increase"’ (v. 4). There can be only one time of the
end, and only one endtime abomination of desolation. Jesus, after saying,
‘"then the end will come"’ (Matt 24:14), said, ‘"So when you see
the abomination of desolation spoken of by the prophet Daniel, standing in the
holy place (let the reader understand), then let those who are in Judea flee to
the mountains’" (v. 15). Jesus, thus, dates the sealed and secret
words that are inscribed in the book of truth (Dan 10:21) to the time of the
end. The "abomination that makes desolate" spoken of by Daniel is in
chapter 11, verse 31. Forces sent by the king of the North take away the
"daily" (i.e., the linguistic icon usually used to describe the
regular burnt offering), and they set up the abomination that makes desolate. The sealed and secret words Daniel
recorded are no longer sealed: humanity has arrived at the generic time of
the end. The words Daniel recorded in the long prophecy of chapter 11
revealed the physical shadow of endtime spiritual phenomena…no prophecy in
Scripture seems more readily understandable than Daniel chapter 11. Yet the
angel bringing the prophecy to Daniel said the words were sealed until the time
of the end. An apparent contradiction exists. Either Scripture is correct and
the prophecy has been sealed until the time of the end, or Scripture errs and
the prophecy has been understandable since the Maccabean war. The prophecy
cannot be understandable and still remain sealed. Actually, what seems understandable
hasn’t been even though the prophecy accurately reflects the historic record.
It has been this historic record that has kept the prophecy sealed, for the
prophecy is about the successive regimes of powerful spirit beings in the heavenly
realm. These angelic beings reign "by the activity of Satan" (2Thess
2:9) who is the prince of the power of the air (Eph 2:2) as well as the
spiritual king of Babylon (Isa 14:4-21). The kingdom of the world doesn’t
become the kingdom of the Most High and of His Christ (Rev 11:15) until the
court of the Ancient of Days sits in session (Dan 7:9-14, 22, 26-27). Only then
does the fourth beast lose its body and its dominion, and the other three
beasts lose their dominion. And the timeframe for this court session is shortly
before "the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven [is] given to
the people of the saints of the Most High" (v. 27). Until then, the
kingdoms of the world belong to Satan and his cohorts. The Roman Church teaches otherwise. Most
Evangelical Christians refuse to believe that Satan is the ruler of this world.
Secular songs have God holding the whole world in His hand. Countless hymns
identify God or Christ as the Lord of this world. So it is difficult for a
"Christian" to understand that this world is not now the Most High’s.
God the Father wouldn’t have to draw a person from this world (John 6:44, 65)
if this were His world. Satan reigns by controlling mental
landscapes through him being the prince of the power of the air. He can only do
this from the spiritual realm. He cannot do this when he is cast to earth (Rev
12:9). So we have another date to establish when the court of the Ancient of
Days sits in session. Halfway through seven endtime years of
tribulation (after the little horn of Daniel 7:8, 20-21, 25 has the saints
given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time), the court of
the Ancient of Days sits in session. The first three beasts of Daniel 7 keep
their bodies but lose their dominion; the fourth beast loses its body and is
dealt a mortal wound. All four beasts are horns on the head of the spiritual
king of Greece, and in Revelation chapter 13, these beasts appear immediately
after their judgment: And I saw a beast rising out of the sea, with ten horns and
seven heads, with ten diadems on its horns and blasphemous names on its heads.
And the beast that I saw was like a leopard; its feet were like a bear’s, and
its mouth was like a lion’s mouth. And to it the dragon gave his power and
his throne and great authority. One of its heads seemed to have a mortal
wound, but its mortal wound was healed, and the whole earth marveled as they
followed the beast. And they worshiped the dragon, for he had given his
authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, "Who is like
the beast, and who can fight against it?" (Rev 13:1-4 emphasis added) The first three of the four beasts of
Daniel 7 are described thus: And four great beasts came up out of the sea, different
from one another. The first was like a lion and had eagles’ wings. Then as I
looked its wings were plucked off, and it was lifted up from the ground and
made to stand on two feet like a man, and the mind of a man was given to it.
And behold, another beast, a second one, like a bear. It was raised up on one side.
It had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth; and it was told, "Arise,
devour much flesh." After this I looked, and behold, another, like a
leopard, with four wings of a bird on its back. And the beast had four heads,
and dominion was given to it. (Dan 7:4-6 emphasis added) Since the not described body of the
fourth beast is given over to be burned, and dominion is taken from the beast
when the Ancient of Days court sits in session, disciples would not expect to
see, post-judgment, the body of the fourth beast or beasts with dominion. And
disciples see neither in Revelation 13. Disciples see one composite beast that
has the attributes of the first three beasts of Daniel 7. Again, these beasts
are the four horns that arise from the head of the he-goat, identified as the
king of Greece (neither the four horns nor the first great horn are identified
as the king of Greece, but as kings coming from the single king of Greece). So
the king of Greece, ‘"which shall rule over all the earth’" (Dan 2:39),
includes these four beasts plus a great king who will be supernaturally broken
before these four horns can come to power. After dominion is taken from this
king of Greece, it will look like the first beast of Revelation 13. It will
need Satan as the old dragon to give it whatever authority it reacquires. Because western nations have become
almost entirely secular societies, even the prophecy pundits spawned within
these societies think in secular paradigms. A literary critic, though, when
deconstructing Scripture will not find secular social constructs supporting the
surface text, but will find the underpinnings of Christ Jesus’ reign as King of
kings, a theocratic reign that will resume animal sacrifices as sin offerings.
When humanity is described after Satan is cast to earth, all of humanity has
received the Holy Spirit (Joel 2:28). All have been called by God (Rev 18:4).
There will be only one religion: Christianity. And Satan will pose as the
messiah. The authority Satan will have is as the Antichrist, a spirit being
claiming to be the Lord. He will literally usurp authority from Christ, to whom
the world then belongs. So the first mistake prophecy pundits make is to think
physically. They then compound this mistake by perceiving Islam as Israel’s
principle enemy. But Islam will be no more [will cease to exist through being
incorporated into Arian Christianity] before the Antichrist comes. The fourth
beast devoured and trampled something. It wasn’t all of Christianity, for a
remnant of the saints who keep the commandments and hold the testimony of Jesus
(Rev 12:17) will still exist. The little horn coming from this fourth beast was
wearing out the saints, most of whom were under the dominion of the third
beast, the four-headed king of the South and of the spiritual house of Judah
(i.e., Trinitarian Christianity). And this dominion isn’t taken from the third
beast until the court of the Ancient of Days sits in session. Christ Jesus as the paschal Lamb of God
is also the reality of the daily, the morning and evening sacrifices.
The lambs that were daily sacrificed form the shadow of Christ Jesus’
sacrifice; thus, the daily putting on of Christ Jesus’ righteousness as if this
righteousness were a garment (Gal 3:27) cloaks disciples with the spiritual
brilliance of the sun (Rev 12:1). And this putting on of Christ will end with
the great rebellion of saints when the lawless one or man of perdition is
revealed (2 Thess 2:3). Then, ‘"the transgression that makes
desolate"’ (Dan 8:13) will have put an end to the daily sacrifice, or will
have put an end to disciples covering themselves with righteousness. This end
is precisely dated to 2300 days before ‘"the sanctuary shall be restored
to its righteousness"’ (v. 14), thereby placing the great rebellion
2300 days before Christ Jesus’ return, or approximately 220 days after
disciples are empowered by the Holy Spirit. The firstborn son of the last Eve, 2300
days before Jesus returns, will attempt to enter God’s rest on the following
day, just as the nation that left Egypt attempted to enter God’s rest on the
following day (Num 14: 40–41 & Ps 95:10–11). This will be the great
rebellion for which [as if a single man] this firstborn son is condemned to die
in the wilderness of sin. This son, born before the last Eve experiences her
labor pains, will after rebelling against God slay his righteous brother. This
son will then be marked by God. And the last Eve will give birth to a third
son, a spiritual Seth, born-from-above when the Holy Spirit is poured out upon
all flesh. This third son only has to endure to the end to be saved (Matt
24:13), to enter God’s rest. Again pause: when the seven endtime
years of tribulation begin, the last Eve [the Church] will through being filled
with the Holy Spirit in a way directly analogous to what happened in Acts 2, a
type and shadow of this liberation from bondage to sin, bring forth the two
sons that presently wrestle in her womb, one son hated, one loved—one son
lawless, one son keeping the commandments of God by faith, with this faith
counted as righteousness. The lawless son will, even though liberated from sin,
return to his sinful ways, with the outward manifestation of this sinfulness
having this son attempting to enter God’s rest on the following day, the 8th-day. And this 8th-day observing
lawless son will pursue Sabbath-keepers wherever they flee as this lawless son
becomes the active agent of the spiritual king of Babylon, thereby sacrificing
the Body of the Lamb of God as the Head was sacrificed. The Passover lamb is selected on the 10th
day of the first month and sacrificed on the 14th at even. Jesus
entered Jerusalem on the 10th of the first month and was sacrificed
on the 14th (John 19:31 with John 12:1 and 12:12). The uncircumcised
children of the nation that left Egypt crossed the Jordan and entered into
God’s rest on the 10th of the first month (Jos 4:19)—this holy
nation of Israel was selected and penned in God’s rest, the Sabbath (from Ps
95:10-11 with Heb 3:16-4:10), in the same way that Jesus was selected and
penned in Jerusalem. Therefore, when empowered [or filled] with the Holy
Spirit, thus liberated from the sin that presently dwells in the flesh (Rom
7:25), not the heart and mind (Rom 8:2), the Body of Christ will become an
acceptable sacrifice to God, so that the righteous requirements of the law can
be fulfilled. Therefore, the lawless son will slay his righteous brother, whose
righteousness comes not through works of the hands but through the faith that
will have this brother keeping the commandments of God and professing that
Jesus is Lord, believing in hearts that the Father raised Jesus from the dead
(Rom 10:6-9, with Deu 30:1-14). Thus, halfway through the seven endtime years,
the beloved righteous son will be dead [except for a remnant and the 144,000
virgins, observant Jews who have professed that Jesus is Lord during the first
1260 days after empowerment]. The hated lawless son will be marked for
spiritual death upon Jesus’ return. And with the kingdom of the world becoming
the kingdom of the Most High and of His Christ, the Holy Spirit is poured out
upon the third part of humankind, thereby causing all of humanity to be born of
Spirit as Seth was born to the first Eve. This Seth only has to endure to the
end to be saved. And it is the prophetic birth announcement of this spiritual
Seth that is the good news that must be proclaimed to all the world as a
witness to all nation before the end comes. The endtime gospel isn’t another
message about Jesus being the Bread of Life [You shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from
the mouth of God]. Nor is it another message about the soon-coming kingdom
of God, which will be evident once the seven endtime years begin. Rather, it is
the good news that all of humanity will be born of Spirit when the kingdom of
the world becomes the kingdom of the Father and His Son. Then, everyone who
endures to the end shall be saved. Neo-Arian Christian sects and
denominations will convert large portions of the world to their brand of false
Christianity prior to the days being shortened or no flesh will survive (Matt
24:22). Satan as king of Babylon rules as king of kings (Dan 2:37), but there
is a subservient [to him] spiritual king over Islam, and a different one over
Buddhism. This fourth beast goes after them, while not ignoring the saints who
keep the commandments of God, one of those commandments being the Sabbath
commandment. The reign of the fourth beast and the rise of the little horn will
cause genuine saints great difficulty, but non-Christian religions will be devoured.
Some won’t appreciate being devoured, so there will be war. The outcome of
these wars has already been determined: "Christianity" wins, but the
Christianity of the Cross. Not the Christianity of liberated (at the second
Passover) saints, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of
Jesus. God is not a respecter of persons. He
is not in the business of creating additional Adversaries. A saint who lived
prior to the time of the end will have died in faith. This saint will have
lived without ever physically seeing the promise around which this person’s
life centered. But during the great endtime harvest of humanity, saints will
see physical evidence of God, and many will believe for the sake of the
miracles. These individuals will now be tried in fire to determine whether
they will obey Christ when their lives and their fortunes are at stake. If
their physical lives, or if their fortunes are more valuable to them than
salvation, they will wash out. They will become part of the fourteen out of
every fifteen who won’t make it. No one should be in this number, but consider
yourself: how is your faith? What do you think God will require of you? He gave
His Son. What can you give of equal value? Your life isn’t worth the life of
Jesus. All of creation isn’t worth the value of Jesus’ life. And what will be
offered to you is being an heir to God, a younger sibling of Christ Jesus. So
what will you find to be of so much more importance that you won’t give it up
to be an heir? Or will you say, God wouldn’t require that of me. What
did He require of Abraham? And of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego? Deliverance
comes from a trial, not before a trial begins. Again, during the second half of the
Tribulation—the forty-two months when the composite first beast of Revelation
13 is allowed to exercise authority received from the dragon (Rev 13:5)—all of
humanity will have received the Holy Spirit. All will be spiritual Israelites.
There will only be one faith: Christianity. And the saints will be divided
between those who have accepted the mark of the beast (chi xi stigma, or
the tattoo of the Cross) and worship the beast, and those who refuse the tattoo
and refuse to worship the beast. Some of those who refuse to worship the image
of the beast will, likely, be slain (v. 15), especially if they are not
inside the walls of spiritual Jerusalem, which has theological rather than
geographical coordinates. The fourth beast is Death, the fourth
horseman of the Apocalypse, and this beast will be dealt a deathblow when the two
witnesses are publicly resurrected. Death will have been defeated, but the
Antichrist will construct an image of death and will make this image speak. And
for some saints the following will apply: "[I]f anyone is to be slain with
the sword, with the sword must he be slain" (Rev 13:10); and ‘"Write
this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.’ ‘Blessed indeed,’
says the Spirit, ‘that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow
them!’" (14:13). The Antichrist, through constructing an image of Death,
will kill some saints, but as Israel under Joshua and Caleb prevailed against
the many kings of Canaan, so too will the saints prevail in mental or spiritual
combat against the Antichrist. Lead by the remnant that keep the commandments
and hold to the testimony of Jesus, the third son of the last Eve will mentally
defeat those who take upon themselves the mark of death (i.e., the tattoo of
the Cross). Today’s prophecy pundits find in Islam
the endtime boogie-man, but Islam accepts Jesus as a prophet. It will not be a
far step for Muslims to accept the false prophet (Rev 19:20) as a genuine
prophet, the Twelfth Imam, and for the man of perdition to convince the entire
faith to convert to Arian Christianity. Islam presently has a recognizable
flaw: there is no criterion by which a person can be certain of going to heaven
other than dying in Jehad. A person
can never be certain that he or she is good enough to go to heaven. As a
result, the culture doesn’t admit blame. It can’t and still have any chance of
being with Allah. So the Islamic belief paradigm needs the means of suspending
the death penalty for sin for long enough that a person can mend his or her
ways. The paradigm needs grace. And the false prophet will, with
charisma, explain to Islamic clerics why they must accept Arian Christianity to
stop their young people from blowing themselves up—only the false prophet can
stop Islamic terrorism. And while wearing out Sabbath-keeping saints, the false
prophet and the man of perdition will permanently put an end to terrorism (and
to the modern state of Israel). Remember, the whole world follows the beast,
and worships the dragon and the beast and even the image of the beast. The
world won’t worship the beast, or anyone else without cause. Hitler seemed like
a German savior because he put an unemployed nation to work. The man of
perdition will seem like a Christian savior for he will finally win the
Crusades by bringing Christ to the 10-40 window. So, for the last three and a half years
of the Tribulation, there will be only Christians on the planet. Satan and his
demons presently govern the mental landscape of humanity, but Satan rules over
a motley crew. All of his dominion and authority will be taken from him when he
is defeated by Michael and his angels (Rev 12:7-9). The only authority Satan
has when he is cast to earth stems from him imitating Christ, his imitation
based upon the Christianity of the kings of the South and of the North.
Because most disciples will identify the Christianity of the beast as
genuine when they are mentally liberated from bondage to sin, they will accept
the mark of the beast. They will not understand why the seven bowls of the
wrath of God are poured out upon them. They will curse God, and they will not
repent (Rev 16:11). They will be unable to repent for God will have sent a
great delusion over them (2Thess 2:11–12). For they have returned to being
slaves to Satan even though they were liberated when Satan was cast from
heaven. Sin lurked at their door, and they let sin in. When Satan, newly cast from heaven,
comes as the Antichrist, many disciples will believe that Christ’s Millennium
reign has begun. Herbert Armstrong taught that Christ would come after three
and a half years of tribulation. Saints who follow his teachings are primed to
accept the Antichrist as the messiah. Only the rigidity with which they keep
the seventh-day Sabbath will prevent them from worshiping the beast, who had
been wearing out all Sabbath-keepers before being dealt a mortal wound. In spiritual Israel’s shadow, Moses
leads the circumcised nation into the wilderness of Sin on the fifteenth of the
second month (Exod 16:1). The second year that Israel is in the wilderness, the
second Passover’s lamb is killed at even between the fourteenth and the
fifteenth of the second month. This second year, second Passover is the shadow
of spiritual Israel being liberated from sin. So the events that happen
immediately after physically circumcised Israel enters the wilderness of Sin
forms the shadow of what happens to spiritually circumcised Israelites, who
have previously been baptized, after they are liberated from bondage to the
king of Babylon. And when Israel enters the wilderness, the nation begins
receiving manna, as a test of Israel to determine ‘"whether they will walk
in my law or not"’ (v. 4). But God has not yet given circumcised
Israel His laws. He won’t give Israel His laws for another three weeks.
However, the laws of God are written on the hearts and minds of disciples when
they were drawn. So spiritual Israelites have God’s laws when this test begins
even though physical Israelites did not. And God said the test of Israel is,
‘"On the sixth day, when they prepare what they bring in, it will be twice
as much as they gather daily’" (v. 5); and Moses said, ‘"This is what
the Lord has commanded: "Tomorrow is a day of solemn rest, a holy Sabbath
to the Lord"’" (v. 23). So the test of physical Israel was if
the nation would keep the Sabbath. The test of spiritual Israel will also be if
this holy nation will keep the Sabbath. Through the indwelling of Christ as of
the Bread of Life (John 6:32-35), the holy nation of Israel will again be shown
the Sabbath and tested by the Sabbath, which is considered by the greater
Church as the least of the commandments (Matt 5:17-19), just as physical Israel
was shown and tested by the Sabbath. Time, or more properly, space-time is a
fluid that has been created by God. It is also the fluid in which humanity
lives as fish live in water. A portion of this fluid has been made holy by God;
i.e., set apart for His usage. That portion is the Sabbath. Humanity cannot
make holy a portion of the fluid in which it lives any more than a largemouth
bass can make holy a seventh of a lake and thereby create a no-fishing zone. Only
humans can declare a portion of a lake a no-fishing zone, and only God can
establish Sabbaths. So the eighth day is not the Sabbath, never has been the
Sabbath, and is not holy time. Christians who now assemble before God
on the 8th-day are quick to point out that Israel in Egypt didn’t
keep the Sabbath. True. Israel was in physical bondage to Pharaoh just as
spiritual Israel is in spiritual bondage to Satan today. And while the
Christian who worships God on the eighth day seeks to do well, this Christian
lacks faith and is an unprofitable servant. The Mennonite, for example, whose
ancestor by faith left behind the errors of the Roman Church and of the
Reformed Church does not, today, have the faith of his or her ancestor, a faith
that will be counted as righteousness; for this Mennonite, having grown up in
the faith of his or her parents, is as the rich young ruler (Luke 18:18) who
could not sell all he or her has and follow Jesus into keeping the Sabbath
commandment, a type of His heavenly rest. In fact, this person usually profanes
the Sabbath by doing most of his or her buying and selling in holy time. But
this will change within a very short unit of time—a week—once Israel is
liberated from bondage to sin at the second Passover, or this person will become
like the circumcised nation slain in the wilderness. The custom of both neo-Arian and
Trinitarian Christianity is to profane the Sabbath and treat the 8th-day
as the Sabbath. Christians are recognized by the world for worshiping on the 8th-day,
and many who begin well will return to this custom once the little horn
attempts to change times and the law (Dan 7:25); for the commandments of God
will need a formal, ratified amendment to change the seventh day Sabbath to the
8th-day. This amendment won’t come from God. Therefore, when the little horn wears
out the saints for a time, times, and half a time, the saints will have been
liberated at the second Passover and shown the Sabbath. They will then be
tested by the Sabbath as they resist the little horn that changes times and the
law, compelling saints to return to an 8th-day Sabbath or be
persecuted without mercy. And most Sabbatarian denominations have long warned
their disciples that a future Pope will gain control of all of Christianity and
will compel Sunday observance. These warnings have prepared their disciples to
be tested on the Sabbath, but the attack will come from a source that will
surprise them. Most 7th-day Sabbath-keeping sects and denominations
are neo-Arians, and the attack on the Sabbath will come from within Arian
Christianity. These sects will be uprooted horns that receive no help from the
denominations ruled by the king of the South. They will either need to be
ensconced within the walls of spiritual Jerusalem, or they will scramble trying
to stay alive for the next seven years. The Cross symbolizes the Christianity
of the kings of the South and of the North; symbolizes Death. And when the
spiritually circumcised descendants of Abraham were taken captive by these two
beasts can be reasonably determined by when the Cross was adopted as the logo
of recognized Christianity. The cross of the Roman Church still has a man
hanging on it; the empty cross of the Evangelical Church is supposed to
emphasize the resurrection; but both crosses emphasize the killing of Christ,
for which Satan is responsible. The Cross is, and always will be the symbol of
death, which entered the heavenly realm when iniquity [lawlessness] was found
in Lucifer and in the created universe with Eve believing that she would not
die if she ate forbidden fruit. Christ was resurrected from the grave, so the
empty tomb would be the appropriate symbol of His resurrection. But no symbol
is needed other than for each individual to live within the laws of God. The kings of the South and of the North
have reigned over Christianity since God the Father sent His holy nation into
Babylonian captivity. They have reigned under the dominion of the king of
Greece, who has ruled the Western Lands under the spiritual kings of Persia,
who in turn rule under Satan, the spiritual king of Babylon who received
authority over the children of men everywhere they dwell when God consigned all
of humanity to disobedience so that He could have mercy on all. Again, Satan is
a king of kings, just as Nebuchadnezzar was king of kings (Dan 2:37-38). Christianity spread early across
Western Europe, but it wasn’t the united religion Catholic historians would
like history to accept. Dominion was given to the third beast of Daniel chapter
7, the four-head leopard that is the king of the South…the "Trinity"
is a mystery because the four-headed leopard has never been able to explain his
own existence without recognizing the Father as its creator. A god created in
its image will be "of one substance" Philo’s expression, and triune
because early Church scholars couldn’t read the Tetragrammaton YHWH,
which is God + Breath + God + Breath, with the Breath [Pneuma] of the
Father distinct from the Breath [Pneuma] of the Son (compare Rom 8:9
with 8:11). Thus, dominion over Christianity was given to the author of the
trinity in fantasy and fiction. And pundits of the spiritual house of Judah
will attack anyone who is not a Trinitarian. Disciples who stand on the shoulders of
typological exegesis see into the spiritual realm and report back what they
see. And the fishers and hunters God sends after Israel (Jer 16:16) have now
seen the body of the fourth beast that the prophet Daniel saw, the body that
will be given over to be burned, the image of which the Antichrist makes to speak.
The whole world worships the image of this cross-shaped beast. The old Dragon comes as the Antichrist;
he comes imitating Christ. He steals authority to reign from Christ, and he
does this by possessing the universally recognized symbol of Christ, the Cross,
even to the point of him making this symbol/image speak. Why else would a
Christian worship the image of this beast, let alone this dead beast? The image of Death is the Cross. The
mark of Death, the mark of the beast is the tattoo of the Cross. 5. The first and second beasts of Daniel 7 have received little
attention. Disciples see, beginning with Christ’s return, "And the beast
was captured, and with it the false prophet who in its presence had done the
signs by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and
those who worshiped its image. These two were thrown alive into the lake of
fire that burns with sulfur" (Rev 19:20). When the first or great horn of the
king of Greece is broken, four horns appear. Their shadow is the division of
Alexander’s empire between his four generals, with Ptolemy I of Egypt initially
receiving dominion over the promised land of Judea. This general forms the
shadow of the spiritual king of the South, who received dominion (Dan 7:6) and
has reigned over Christianity since the 4th-century. This general is
also a type of Pharaoh, and a representation of sin, from which the spiritually
circumcised nation will be liberated at a second Passover. The first, second
and fourth beasts didn’t receive dominion. But ‘"the king of the south
shall be strong, but one of his princes shall be stronger than he and shall
rule, and his authority shall be a great authority"’ (Dan 11:5). The king
of the North was a prince allied with or under the king of the South, just as
sin and death today dwell together in the members of disciples (Rom 7:25). Sin
and Death are, respectively, the spiritual kings of the South and of the North.
And Death is the fourth horseman, thereby making Sin the third horseman of the
Apocalypse. All of humanity has been consigned to disobedience or to sin;
hence, dominion has been given to Sin, to the four-headed leopard. Sin will, in
the Tribulation, make merchandise of the spiritual barley and wheat harvests.
But the third horseman is not to harm the oil and the wine, the refined
products of the branches that have been grafted onto the root of righteousness.
These disciples have already been measured and weighed and found acceptable. As the Ptolemaic and Seleucid Empires
fought over control of the promised land in the shadow, the third and the
fourth beasts as subordinate kings under the king of Greece have fought over
Christianity since God sent His holy nation into mental bondage to Satan. But
their warring was not foregrounded in the world because they were subordinate
kings, and they are today, still subordinate kings to the great horn of the
king of Greece. However, when the sar of Greece tramples and destroys
the sar of Persia and has no more empires to conquer, this great horn
will be supernaturally broken (because he is a firstborn not covered by the
blood of the Lamb of God). He will be broken when the lives of men are again
given as ransom (Isa 43:3–4) for the liberation of the firstborn son of God
(Exod 4:22). He will be broken at the second Passover, and the four horns will
arise in his place. These four horns or kings will then not be subordinate to
any king but Satan, who continues to reign over humanity as the prince of the
power of the air. But they aren’t taking orders from Satan, who sowed rebellion
and reaps rebellion. They are, in a colloquial expression, going for it.
They know time is short; they know they are in the time of the end; they have
to prove their ways will work; and they will somewhat work together to
demonstrate how correct they were when they joined Satan’s rebellion against
God. They all have a role to play in the emerging dominance of Christianity in
the world. They are the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. The first beast is like a lion with
eagles’ wings, which are plucked off when it is lifted up and made to stand
upright like a man; it is given the mind of a man. It now looks somewhat like a
man, and thinks like a man. When we see this beast again as part of the
composite first beast of Revelation 13, the dominant feature is this beast’s
mouth, from which thoughts like a man are expressed. This beast is, again, a
king. This beast is also the first horseman: "and I [John] looked, and
behold, a white horse! And its rider had a bow, and a crown was given to him,
and he came out conquering, and to conquer" (Rev 6:2). Again, in
Revelation, appearance is how the entity functions in the plan of God. The
first horseman functions as a rider with a crown who goes forth conquering and
to conquer. He isn’t the little horn that speaks mighty words against the
Ancient of Days, the little horn who attempts to change times and the law.
Instead, this first beast, first horseman is the false prophet who performed
the miracles responsible for deceiving those who worshiped the image of beast and
accepted his mark. The false prophet is a spiritual king, for John "saw,
coming out of the mouth of the dragon [Satan — from Rev 12:9] and out of the
beast [who had been dealt a mortal wound, yet lives — from Rev 13:3] and out of
the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs. All three,
the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet send forth demonic spirits,
performing signs, who go abroad to the kings of the whole world, to assemble
them for battle on the great day of God the Almighty" (Rev 16:13–14). The
false prophet is like, in authority and in substance, Satan and the beast.
While the identity of the antecedent for the pronoun "they" in verse
14 can be argued, the two possibilities are that John tells readers that Satan,
the beast and the false prophets are demonic spirits; or John tells readers
that Satan, the beast and the false prophet command demonic spirits. Either
possibility confirms the false prophet being a demon, one with near equal
authority to the beast and to Satan. The false prophet will, most likely,
come to fulfill an existing office of "prophet." The false prophet
will be allied with the beast, the spiritual king that functions as and
represents Death. The beast is the king of the North, the king who has traditionally
reigned over the northern house of spiritual Israel, over Arian Christianity.
Thus, the false prophet will, most likely, step into the office of prophet for
the principle neo-Arian denomination. The second beast appears like a bear,
with ribs in its mouth. The feet of the composite king of Greece belong to this
second beast, and disciples find that this beast is Abaddon in Hebrew, and Apollyon
in Greek. He is the king of the bottomless pit, and he is king over the locusts
that attack human beings who are not sealed by God. He alone can kill the two
witnesses, who are human beings with spiritual powers. The locusts the prophet Joel described
destroy vineyards, fig trees, and grain fields, but the locusts under the
command of Abaddon are not to touch
any green growth. Both descriptions give the locusts lions’ teeth (Joel 1:6
& Rev 13:8). So there are differences with similarities between the two
accounts of locusts. Joel tells the priests to consecrate a
fast (Joel 1:14) for "the day of the Lord is near" (v. 15 —
plus 2:1). Joel then goes on to describe what seems to be a supernatural army
somewhat like the troops of cavalry that kill a third of humanity (Rev
9:13-19). Plus Joel describes the sun, moon, and stars not giving off their
light in terms suggestive of the fourth trumpet plague (Rev 8:12-13). The day of the Lord is near
during only one period of human history. It wasn’t near during Joel’s lifetime.
Nor was it near for the next two millennia. However, it is near when the good
news that all who endure to the end will be saved is proclaimed to the
world as a witness to all nations (Matt 24:13-14). This gospel is now going to
the world. The extent to which it must be proclaimed is the Father’s decision.
So with certainty, disciples can know that the day of the Lord is finally near. What about touch nothing green
versus destroying crops? The last Eve will bear three sons, two
of whom are delivered before or with her first hard labor pain. The third will
continue to grow in the last Eve’s womb until the Holy Spirit is poured out
upon all flesh, and this third spiritual son will not be ripe for harvesting
until sometime during the second half of the seven endtime years of
tribulation. Thus, this third of humanity is as growing green plants before the
kingdom of the world becomes the kingdom of the Father and of the Son. In a
scenario in which appearance has become function, green crops typologically
represent the physical shadow of humanity not yet born-from-above. The four beasts of Daniel 7 are the
four horns that arise when the great horn of the spiritual king of Greece is
broken. They are indeed kings, and they have reigned over portions of the king
of Greece’s domain at least as far back as Athens and Sparta. They have reigned
over the holy nation of Israel since the 3rd and 4th
Centuries. And as the great spiritual harvest of humanity nears, they will
reign for a short while over the earth. Their rule shall be hard as iron. The little horn of the fourth beast is
‘"the prince who is to come"’ (Dan 9:26) of the seventy weeks
prophecy. ‘"His [alternate reading] end shall come with a flood"’
(same verse). This is the flood the earth swallows (Exod 15:12 & Rev
12:16). Then ‘"to the end there shall be war’" (Dan 9:26). So the
Tribulation will be difficult to endure. Prior to the court of the Ancient of
Days sitting in session, if the days of the third and fourth beasts’ dominion
were not cut short, no flesh would be saved alive (Matt 24:22). Then following
Satan being cast from heaven, there will be war until Christ returns as the
Messiah. The birth pains of Israel will, indeed, be hard labor. The Apostle Paul writes, about 51 CE,
in his second epistle to the Thessalonians, "The coming of the lawless one
is…with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused
to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion,
so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who
did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness" (2:9-12).
Paul’s warning is that God will send a delusion, which is the spiritual
equivalent of God sending circumcised Israelites into physical captivity. A
delusion is mental captivity from which no repentance or escape is possible. Paul believed he was living in the time
of the end, as have most saints ever since—and they have been, for one long
spiritual night began at Calvary, a night equivalent to when death angels
passed throughout all of Egypt. So Paul directs his warning about God sending a
delusion to saints who will be deceived by the coming of the man of perdition.
But Paul’s warning was sealed by a lesser delusion sending lawless saints into
captivity in spiritual Babylon. This lesser delusion is only lesser to the extent that it forms the
shadow of endtime Israel’s great falling away when the kings of the North and
of the South begin to reign over spiritual Babylon as the two legs of iron
during the time of the end. Therefore, little stalking will be
required for a saint to locate the four beasts of Daniel 7 once the second
Passover occurs—these four beasts will come gunning for the saints. But they
have already been defeated; they were defeated at the conclusion of the
creation account. And the means by which the saints will slay these beasts is
by enduring to the end, refusing the mark of the beast and remaining in
covenant with the Most High and with His Messiah. It is comforting to be able
to say, My big brother has already whipped your king. * * * * * ©2005 by Homer Kizer. All
rights reserved. "Scripture quotations
are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright © 2001 by Crossway
Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights
reserved." For additional articles and
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